To deliver ingredients of the highest quality, SKIN1004 follows the GACP process meticulously. GACP [Good Agricultural and Collection Practices] Picking / Drying / Conservation

Trained pickers from 17 certified regions of Madagascar, optimized Centella farming, are hired to prevent any contamination of raw ingredients.
To deliver ingredients of the highest quality, SKIN1004 follows the GACP process meticulously. GACP [Good Agricultural and Collection Practices] Picking / Drying / Conservation

Trained pickers from 17 certified regions of Madagascar, optimized Centella farming, are hired to prevent any contamination of raw ingredients.

Systematic program of training for pickers
1. The pickers must wash their hands
before picking.
2. No usage of sharp blades or knives
during picking.
-[Prevents injuries and contamination of Centella leaves via blood]
3. Tearing the root or separating the stem
of the plant is strictly forbidden.
-[Preserves Centella species of the
highest quality]
4. Trained pickers are registered and
receive a Picker Card for identification.
-[Certified quantity and quality of
produce from each picker]
-[Traceability of quality of raw ingredients]
-[Record of individual quota to ensure ethical payment]
Systematic program of training for pickers
1. The pickers must wash their hands before picking.
2. No usage of sharp blades or knives during picking.
-[Prevents injuries and contamination of Centella leaves via blood]
3. Tearing the root or separating the stem of the plant is strictly forbidden.
-[Preserves Centella species of the highest quality]
4. Trained pickers are registered and receive a Picker Card for identification.
-[Certified quantity and quality of produce from each picker]
-[Traceability of quality of raw ingredients]
-[Record of individual quota to ensure ethical payment]

1. To keep the Centella fresh, leaves are swiftly dried immediately after picking
by trained pickers.
2. The leaves are dried under sunlight during the day and kept under fresh ventilated air during the night.
3. Centella leaves are dried on clean
sheets or cloths to prevent direct contact
with the ground.
1. To keep the Centella fresh, leaves are swiftly dried immediately after picking by trained pickers.
2. The leaves are dried under sunlight during the day and kept under fresh ventilated air during the night.
3. Centella leaves are dried on clean sheets or cloths to prevent direct contact with the ground.

Strict conservation to prevent
spoilage of produce
1. Centella leaves are stored in sanitary places, away from hydrocarbons,
chemicals and resins.
2. To prevent contamination via
moisture, leaves are stored in dry,
well-ventilated storages.
3. When stored in large quantities
in sacks, the Centella is stored at least
10cm away from the floor and walls.
Strict conservation to prevent spoilage of produce
1. Centella leaves are stored in sanitary places, away from hydrocarbons, chemicals and resins.
2. To prevent contamination via moisture, leaves are stored in dry, well-ventilated storages.
3. When stored in large quantities in sacks, the Centella is stored at least 10cm away from the floor and walls.